Almost missed Raya hari tu.. isk2.. Sampai ade org issue UCUX suh balik..hehe.. alhamdulillah, sempat balik 2 day b4 raya walaupon dengan issue chopper grounded sbb haze.. seb bek x nek boat..huhu..
Back view of Sikorsky S76C+..
Tiang bersurat nan bersejarah di cellar deck
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!~ Maaf Zahir dan Batin (where applicable :P)..
Windows Post-Shell command. Files Delivery
If you ever obtain a Windows shell remotely. These are few tricks I
currently use to summon external files. For my notes.
1. Wgetvbs
*Self-discovery and healing. Part I.*
So I bought many books whenever I am in sorrow. Sorrow ke? Heh. Life goes
on la babe. Okay, ini angkuh. Ehe. Tak, tak...
Helo Helo July ..part 2 !
I didnt know that my sudden 3-days leave from work would bring up a lots of
nonsense speculation from my test colleagues, for the facts that they
MOSTly ar...
[image: welcome_title]
*Dear Students,*
This website will undergo a major reconstruction. You will see some changes
from time to time. Please bear with us w...
Missing the old me
Somehow, rasa rindu pada diri yang lama. Bukan nak cakap diri yang ada
sekarang ini tidak cukup bagus atau apa. Atau bukan nak
merungut-tidak-bersyukur den...
My workstation
I really love my work now...event though the work itself is tough...but the
company provide work life balance...also they provide 'dunia dan akhirat'
Hari ini, sama macam weekdays biasa, saya keseorangan di rumah. Istilah
bosan rasa-rasa sudah lama tak muncul dalam kamus hidup saya. Mungkin
disebabkan ol...
Travel Log: Epilogue
Soklan yang paling aku nyampah nak jawab tak kisah family or friends yg
tanyeChaah tak gi oversea lagi ke?U guys must be really bored so let me
humour u wi...
Real Stories from Egypt
*Maidan At-Tahrir, perkarangan terpenting di ibukota Kaherah. Kelihatan
Masjid Ibadur Rahman. Di sebelah kirinya bangunan melengkung, ikon (mercu
tanda) me...
Wedding Preparation
Lately I've been wondering what is/are the preparation list that need to be
completed by the groom/bride for their biggest event (unless he/she decided
to ...